What type of investments do we consider?
Our most important criteria:
- A demonstrated ability to scale, execute and exit (more on what we mean by this)
- The potential to make a venture return
- The potential to create venture-scale impact (How we define “impact”)
Our preferences:
- Colorado-based companies
- Seed and early-stage
- A strong management team
- A clear understanding of the market(s)
- Legally defensible technology or IP
- Proof of concept demonstrated by contracts, revenues, strategic partnerships, etc.
- Companies raising less than a five million dollars in their current round and less than 20 million dollars in total
- Companies with pre-money valuations less than five (ideally two) million dollars
To better understand what angel investors are looking for, read this.
What types of investments do we NOT consider?
- We do not consider individuals or technologies, only fully-formed companies.
- We do not consider businesses that are in idea or concept-stage, and strongly prefer companies that have achieved some degree of traction – revenue, contracts, strategic partnerships, etc.
- We do not accept religion-based companies.
- We do not accept purely nonprofit organizations, but will consider for-profit subsidiaries or partners of nonprofits.